RFD868x TXMOD V2 Set
RFD - is the flagship product of the Australian company RFDesign.
RFD jest systemem telemetrii i komunikacji na daleki zasięg.
System RFD składa się z modemów RFD, kompletu anten oraz przewodów niezbędnych do połączenia modułów z innymi systemami.
At the heart of each system are RFD modems, which are high-performance radio modems operating in the ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band. They are designed for long-range communications applications requiring best-in-class radio link performance. One of the modems is always part of the GCS (Ground Control Station), while the other is part of the project with which communication is required, such as an unmanned aerial vehicle.
For more on RFD modems, their differences and applications, see our authoritativeRFD - system telemetrii i komunikacji dalekiego zasięgu.
RFD TXMOD 868x V2 module
Designed to work with control instruments that accept JR transmission modules. The device has a built-in WiFi module, which allows configuration and transmission of telemetry data to a computer or mobile device. JR modules are plugged into control apparatuses with JR sockets (Frsky Taranis, JR, Frsky Horus), establishing a connection between the apparatus and the unmanned aircraft transmitting PPM and Mavlink telemetry at the same time.

For a full product description and specifications, please see the attached.
Technical specifications RFD868x
MOC WYJŚCIOWA | 1W(+30dBm), kontrolowana w krokach co 1dB |
PRĘDKOŚĆ TRANSMISJI DANYCH W SIECI LOTNICZEJ | 12, 56, 64, 100, 125, 200, 224, 500 i 750 kbit/s (ustawiane przez użytkownika, domyślnie 65kbit) |
PRĘDKOŚĆ TRANSMISJI DANYCH URAT | 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 1M baudów (ustawiane przez użytkownika, domyślnie 57600) |
MONTAŻ | 3x śruby M2,5; 3x punkty lutownicze do pinów |
ZASILANIE ZNAMIONOWE | +5V, (+3,5V min., +5,5V maks.), ~800mA przy maksymalnej mocy |
TEMPERATURA PRACY | od -40°C do +85°C (testowane od -73°C do +123°C) |
WYMIARY | 57 x 30 x 12,8mm |
MASA | 14,5g |
- 1 x RFD TXMOD V2
- 1 x RFD868X Radio Modem software version v3.01 or newer
- 1 x Antenna (868 MHz, 1/4 wave, monopoly 2.1 dBi
- 1 x Antenna (868 MHz, right angle, quarter-wave, monopoly 2.1 dBi)
- 4 x Antennas (868 MHz, half-wave, 2.1 dBi dipole)